“No Moral Victories”

For this Bengals fans I could care less about personal stats, swagger, “lose: but feel good about things” kinda vibes. And I’m glad Joey B feels the same: “I 'll never be about momentum or positive experiences to me," Burrow said. "I'm about winning. I expect to win. I know we expect to win. No moral victories around here." Not to mention moral “ties”...ugg. Folks at 0-3 I’m already tired of the losing. That’s right, even with a rookie, last time I checked rookies have won SB’s right : Rapelessburger fans? So was I expecting an SB this year? Of course not, but a Bullock Bungle, and another tie to the sucking Beagles? + a loss to the Clowns? I’m already tired, and getting more pissed every time I see Burrow get smashed. Unless we start winning soon, how long can that humble dude take this mess without suffering life long nagging injuries, not to mention the mental side that no wins can bring. Joey B will ne...